Grupos de Pesquisas


O grupo de pesquisa em Imuno-Oncologia surgiu em 2019-2020 com o objetivo de estudar o papel da resposta imune dos pacientes com câncer, quando tratados com imunoterapia. O objetivo principal desta tinha de pesquisa é investigar marcadores imunológicos capazes de distinguir pacientes respondedores de não-respondedores à terapia com inibidores de checkpoint imunológico, em pacientes tratados no Hospital de Amor de Barretos. Acreditamos que com a caracterização do sistema imune destes pacientes, possamos guiar a expansão da imunoterapia para nossa população e assim, poderemos desenvolver melhores estratégias para a identificação dos pacientes que se beneficiarão deste tratamento, permitindo o uso racional desta abordagem terapêutica. Esperamos que os resultados obtidos possam ser aplicados na prática clínica da especialidade, permitindo um melhor delineamento do prognóstico, além do desenvolvimento de novos esquemas terapêuticos para o tratamento destes pacientes, de forma a contribuir para melhoras nas taxas de sobrevida e na qualidade de vida.

Membros de Equipe

Pesquisador Principal

Lidia Maria Rebolho Batista Arantes – PhD

Pesquisadores Colaboradores


Bruna Pereira Sorroche

Aluna de doutorado

Marcelo Augusto Alves Silva Barbosa

Aluno de Iniciação Científica

Nathália de Carvalho Rodrigues

Aluna de Mestrado

Renan de Jesus Teixeira

Aluno de Doutorado

Samuel Pratavieira de Oliveira

Bolsista FAPESP Apoio Técnico Nível 3

Victor Gabriel Paes

Bolsista FAPESP Apoio Técnico Nível 3

Alunos Egressos

Publicações Relevantes


PD-L1 tumor expression as a predictive biomarker of immune checkpoint inhibitors response and survival in advanced melanoma patients in Brazil. Diagnostics

SORROCHE, B. P.; TEIXEIRA, R. J.; PEREIRA, C. A. D.; SANTANA, IARA V. V.; VUJNOVIC, L.; VAZQUEZ, V. L.; Arantes LMRB. PD-L1 tumor expression as a predictive biomarker of immune checkpoint inhibitors response and survival in advanced melanoma patients in Brazil. Diagnostics. , v.13, p.1041 – , 2023.

Using machine learning and an electronic tongue for discriminating saliva samples from oral cavity cancer patients and healthy individuals

BRAZ, D. C. ; POPPOLIN-NETO, M. ; SHIMIZU, F. M. ; SA, A. C. ; MELENDEZ, M. E. ; Arantes LMRB ; Carvalho, AL ; REIS, R. M. ; PAULOVICH, F. V. ; OLIVEIRA, OSVALDO NOVAIS . Using machine learning and an electronic tongue for discriminating saliva samples from oral cavity cancer patients and healthy individuals. TALANTA, v. 243, p. 123327, 2022.


Co-expression of TNF receptors 1 and 2 on melanomas facilitates soluble TNF-induced resistance to MAPK pathway inhibitors. Journal of Translational Medicine

SANDER, CINDY A. ; RUSH, ELIZABETH A. ; SHI, JIAN ; ARANTES, LIDIA M. R. B. ; TESI, RAYMOND J. ; ROSS, MARK A. ; CALDERON, MICHAEL J. ; WATKINS, SIMON C. ; KIRKWOOD, JOHN M. ; FERRIS, ROBERT L. ; BUTTERFIELD, LISA H. ; VUJANOVIC, LAZAR . Co-expression of TNF receptors 1 and 2 on melanomas facilitates soluble TNF-induced resistance to MAPK pathway inhibitors. Journal of Translational Medicine, v. 20, p. 331, 2022.


Analysis of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and PD-L1 Expression in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients in a Non-Endemic Region. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES

DIAS, JOSIANE M. ; SANTANA, IARA V. V. ; DA SILVA, VINICIUS D. ; CARVALHO, ANDRÉ L. ; ARANTES, LIDIA M. R. B. . Analysis of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and PD-L1 Expression in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients in a Non-Endemic Region. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, v. 23, p. 11720, 2022.


DNA Methylation Markers from Negative Surgical Margins Can Predict Recurrence of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers

SORROCHE, B. P. ; TALUKDAR, F. R. ; LIMA, S. C. S. ; MELENDEZ, M. E. ; CARVALHO, A. C. ; ALMEIDA, G. C. ; MARCHI, P. R. M. ; LOPES, M. ; PINTO, L. F. R. ; Carvalho, AL ; HERCEG, Z. ; Arantes LMRB . DNA Methylation Markers from Negative Surgical Margins Can Predict Recurrence of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancers, v. 13, p. 2915, 2021.


Evaluation of acetylation and methylation in oral rinse of patients with head and neck cancer history exposed to valproic acid. Scientific Reports

GAMA, RICARDO RIBEIRO ; ARANTES, LIDIA MARIA REBOLHO BATISTA ; SORROCHE, BRUNA PEREIRA ; DE MARCHI, PEDRO ; MELENDEZ, MATIAS ELISEO ; CARVALHO, RAIANY SANTOS ; DE LIMA, MARCOS ALVES ; VETTORE, ANDRÉ LUIZ ; CARVALHO, ANDRÉ LOPES . Evaluation of acetylation and methylation in oral rinse of patients with head and neck cancer history exposed to valproic acid. Scientific Reports, v. 11, p. 16415, 2021.


TERT promoter mutation C228T increases risk for tumor recurrence and death in head and neck cancer patients

ARANTES LMRB; CRUVINEL-CARLONI, A.; CARVALHO, A. C.; SORROCHE, B. P.; Carvalho, AL; SCAPULATEMPO-NETO, C.; REIS, R. M. TERT promoter mutation C228T increases risk for tumor recurrence and death in head and neck cancer patients. FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY, v.10, p.1275, 2020.


Impact of genetic variants in clinical outcome of a cohort of patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

CARVALHO, A. C. ; PERDOMO, S. ; SANTOS, W. ; FERNANDES, G. C. ; JESUS, L. M. ; CARVALHO, R. S. ; SCAPULATEMPO-NETO, C. ; CARAVINA, G. ; SORROCHE, B. P. ; Arantes LMRB ; MELENDEZ, M.E. ; MARCHI, P. R. M. ; HAYES, N. ; REIS, RUI M. ; Carvalho, AL . Impact of genetic variants in clinical outcome of a cohort of patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Scientific Reports, v. 10, p. 9970, 2020.


Effect of Induction Chemotherapy on Swallowing in Head and Neck Cancer Patients

PORTAS, J. ; CORREIA, D. ; QUEIJA, D. ; Arantes LMRB ; VIANA, L. S. ; Carvalho, AL . Effect of Induction Chemotherapy on Swallowing in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, v. 20, p. 91-96, 2019.


Construction and characterization of a new TRAIL soluble form, active at picomolar concentrations

MELENDEZ, M.E. ; SILVA-OLIVEIRA, R. J. ; VICENTE, A. L. ; Arantes LMRB ; DE CARVALHO, A.C. ; EPSTEIN, A. ; REIS, R. M. ; Carvalho, AL . Construction and characterization of a new TRAIL soluble form, active at picomolar concentrations. Oncotarget , v. 9, p. 27233-27241, 2018.


Clinical and Molecular Characterization of Surgically Treated Oropharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma Samples

DE CARVALHO AC; MELENDEZ ME; DA SILVA SABATO C; PALMERO EI; ARANTES LMRB; SCAPULATEMPO-NETO C; CARVALHO AL. Clinical and Molecular Characterization of Surgically Treated Oropharynx Squamous Cell Carcinoma Samples. PATHOLOGY & ONCOLOGY RESEARCH, v. 11, p. 1-12, 2018.


Microfluidic-Based Genosensor to Detect Human Papillomavirus (HPV16) for Head and Neck Cancer

SOARES AC; SOARES JC; RODRIGUES VC; FOLLMANN HDM; ARANTES LMRB; DE CARVALHO AC; MELENDEZ ME; FREGNANI JHTG; REIS RM; CARVALHO AL; OLIVEIRA ON. Microfluidic-Based Genosensor to Detect Human Papillomavirus (HPV16) for Head and Neck Cancer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, v. 10, p. 36757-36763, 2018.


Serum, plasma and saliva biomarkers for head and neck cancer

ARANTES, LMRB; DE CARVALHO, AC; MELENDEZ, ME; CARVALHO, AL. Serum, plasma and saliva biomarkers for head and neck cancer. Expert review of molecular diagnostics, v. 18, p. 1-28, 2017.


MiR-21 as prognostic biomarker in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients undergoing an organ preservation protocol

ARANTES, LMRB; LAUS, AC; MELENDEZ, ME; CARVALHO, AC; SORROCHE, BP; MARCHI, PRM; EVANGELISTA, AF; SCAPULATEMPO-NETO, C; VIANA, LS; Carvalho, AL. MiR-21 as prognostic biomarker in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients undergoing an organ preservation protocol. OncoTarget, p. 9911-9921, 2016.


Validation of methylation markers for diagnosis of oral cavity cancer

ARANTES, LMRB; CARVALHO, AC; MELENDEZ, ME; CENTRONE, CC; GOIS-FILHO, JF; TOPORCOV, TN; CALY, DN; TAJARA, EH; GOLONI-BERTOLLO, EM; Carvalho, AL; GENCAPO. Validation of methylation markers for diagnosis of oral cavity cancer. European Journal of Cancer, v. 51, p. 632-641, 2015.


Methylation as a biomarker for head and neck cancer

ARANTES, LMRB; de Carvalho, AC; Melendez, ME; Carvalho, AL; Gonoli-Berttolo, EM. Methylation as a biomarker for head and neck cancer. Oral Oncology. v. 50, p. 587-592, 2014.

Projetos de Pesquisas

Nome do Projeto: Inibidores de checkpoint imunológico: imunofenotipagem e desfecho clínico para predição de resposta no Hospital de Câncer de Barretos

Agência de Fomento: IEP/HCB: EDITAL N.07/2019

Vigência: 2021

Nome do Projeto: Caracterização imunofenotípica em melanoma e associação com dados demográficos, clínicos e patológicos

Vigência: 2021

Nome do Projeto: Análise retrospectiva da expressão de EBV e PD-L1 em carcinoma de nasofaringe em uma população brasileira

Agência de Fomento: Programa de Auxílio e Incentivo ao Pesquisador (PAIP)

Vigência: 2021

Nome do Projeto: Inibidores de checkpoint imunológico: desfecho clínico e biomarcadores para predição de resposta em pacientes com melanoma

Vigência: 2019 - 2022

Nome do Projeto: Inibidores de checkpoint imunológico: imunofenotipagem e desfecho clínico para predição de resposta no Hospital de Câncer de Barretos

Agência de Fomento: Auxílio à Pesquisa FAPESP - Jovem Pesquisador

Vigência: 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2026

Grupos de Pesquisas